Tuesday, 10 January 2017

P5 Certification Classification Based on Feedback

P5 Certification Classification Based on Feedback

Meaning and purpose: After knowing how age classification is classified by BBFC, I have created a questionnaire to gather opinions from my classmates how I should rank my video. 

Here is a video showing my classmate's responses about my video and what can be improved further. In the video I have discussed and explained what the short film is about and how I classified my short film and why. 

Originally I have decided to rate my short video for 15, because my video has a violent content with a knife and something like murdering. However, my classmates think that my standard is too strict. Many suggest that I should rank the video 12 or 12A, because in fact it includes some violent scenes however it is not really obvious, and there are no bloody scenes, no strong language, no nudity etc. 

And here are the results from the questionnaire I have gathered. 

Also most of them think that the video is clear on its message, and it is quite easy to understand the moral of the video, therefore they agree that it is suitable for children at the age 12 or above to understand the idea behind. 

Moreover, there are so suggestions on my editing of the video. Some small issues about the sound in the background, for example it is too loud and it covers the voice of the actors. Also, some think that the subtitles are unnecessary as they are too huge and it is clear to hear what the actors are saying, therefore I can get rid of the words. 

Here is a draft letter that I have written to the BBFC to request for the age classification for my short film. 

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